Monday, June 27, 2011

The A - Z of Social Media

Website that allows user to track multiple social media tools on the one site - TweetDeck, HootSuite

Web crawler that browses the web in a methodical and automated manner

Cloud computing
Computing in which your pc acts as a terminal and you are using a computer elsewhere; e.g. your hotmail account. Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesn't exist on your computer, it's on the service's computer cloud.

Social news website which lets userrs vote stories up or down, called
digging and burying, respectively.

Ego searches
To perform a search for one's own name, or especially their online nickname, using any search engine on the web.

Users cooperate by assigning freely chosen keywords"tags" to pieces of information in a process known as "tagging".

Google Analythics
Marketing tool by the holy mother of search engines that gives detailed statistics about visitors to websites. Used for reviewing online campaigns

Giving that little extra bit of information to make people interested in your online presence.

People who broadcast information they are interested in online, normally on blogs. Important to befriend these people in your strategic area.

Fine for old school press releases as journalists understood it. Certain to kill any social media campaign.

The words you use that make people find your topic of interest.

Somebody who reads your posts but never engages. Are you a lurker?

A web application that combines two or more sources to create new services such as Google maps.

Your circle of contacts that you are looking to increase, interact and influence.

Dont hold back, engage, comment, like, tweet, digg, bury, post - dont be a lurker

Blogging by phone with photos, videos and audio

Opposite of phlogging

The holy grail; this is what you are aiming for; for your tweet to be of such interest and value that it is passed on to increase your network.

Search engine optimization
Process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines

Methods for web authors to request notification when somebody links to one of their documents

User generated content
The user generates the content instead of the normal author pushing out the content onto platform. Can be mistaken for loser generated content if of low quality and constant updating.

Marketing technique where a message is sent to individuals in identified networks that have a high probability of being interested in the message and communicating this message on to others.

Similar to a blog, a wiki allows anyone to edit, delete or modify content that has been placed on the Web site

Social network for business, used for jobs and business ideas

Social media site for networking, user review, and local directory search web site

Social network game developer with applications on websites such as Facebook and Myspace. Games include Texas HoldEm Poker and FarmVille

Saturday, June 25, 2011

50 Rules of Twitter

The 50 rules of Twitter by Derren Rovell, reporter and tweet fiend with CNBC, who has hit the 100,000 followers mark in a little over 2 years.

1. Twitter is for everyone. A person in any profession can help his or her career if he or she utilizes it correctly.

2. Only follow your friends if they have something you want to hear. Facebook is for friendships.

3. For the rest of eternity, no one is going to believe you if you said you were hacked, even if you were. Sorry.

4. Please don't link your Foursquare and Twitter accounts. Your Twitter followers signed up for your Twitter content, not the fact that you just became the mayor of Starbucks.

5. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your Twitter account. Developing a strong following takes time and effort.

6. Always credit your source if you find content worth sharing. Think like a journalist when you're passing along quality info.

7. Don't ask to be followed. Twitter is a meritocracy. Earn it.

8. Don't tweet out inspirational quotes unless that's the purpose of your account. By now everyone has heard "Carpe Diem, seize the day." -Horace

9. Don't tweet that you are bored. Now I am too.

10. If you follow someone, don't be offended if they don't follow you back. Not everyone plays for "Team Followback." Earn their follow from strong, periodic @replies if you feel that you have something to offer.

11. Don't be tempted by the speed of Twitter. Take a breath before each tweet and ask, "If I was a follower, would I want to read this?” If not, delete it.

12. Unless you are a pro athlete, don't tell me that you are at the gym. I get it, you work out.

13. Proofread your tweets. The amount of typos in 140 characters is mind blowing.

14. Find your Twitter niche, but don't be afraid to branch out a little. Most followers enjoy a little variety every now and then.

15. Quantity of tweets is fine as long as it's quality. I average more than 40 tweets a day.

16. Unless you are 14 years old, don't make your account private. No strangers will want to request to follow you.

17. Do not use a default Twitter background. Instead, use an image or photo that complements your interests or personality.

18. Follow Friday’s are perhaps the emptiest tweets on all of Twitter, unless you tell me why they deserve my follow.

19. Want to give your recommendation more oomph? Do it on Tuesday; nobody is expecting it.

20. Just because you are getting slammed doesn't mean you should blame Twitter. Learn to absorb the hate and get a thicker skin, it's useful in life.

21. If you're RTing (retweeting) someone with comment, it's OK to shorten up their original tweet in order to keep it under 140. Just don't alter the original person's intended message.

22. Don’t harbor on the fact that you lost one follower. Rejoice in the fact that you gained two.

23. Athletes & celebs blame Twitter when “sharing” goes wrong. It’s not the sharing of information that’s the issue, it’s what you share.

24. Never ask for a RT (Retweet) for your birthday (or for any reason).

25. Never fulfill a birthday RT request.

26. Your avatar should intrigue/humor viewers. Change it up. But whatever you do, no animated GIFs! (Graphics Interchange Format)

27. Make good use of your Twitter bio space. "Mother, Sister, Daughter, Lover of Life" does absolutely nothing to spark someone's interest.

28. Don't get offended if someone unfollows you. Instead, use it as a learning experience. Perhaps your tweets need some tweaking. Everyone is entitled to a trial run before purchasing your product.

29. People love screengrabs. Those that are experts at capturing the perfect TV shot (like @bubbaprog and @jose3030) do well on Twitter.

30. Know when something has reached a critical mass. Look around to see if your entire timeline has tweeted the same quote. Hold back.

31. Know why people follow you. If you're a foodie, don't send 20 Florida Marlins tweets on a single night.

32. Instead of complaining about spam bots offering you free iPads, take 3 seconds and report them as spam. Help solve the problem.

33. Check out your followers. If someone's bio looks interesting, follow them.

34. Go through who you're following every few months. Weed out the bad, the non-existent & those you feel don't suit your interests.

35. If you get retweeted, don't automatically expect new followers. People evaluate your feed before following, so it's not an automatic process.

36. Twitter Search may be the most valuable search engine on the Internet. Use it.

37. Always put your comment before the RT. Commenting after the original tweet makes it difficult to distinguish your comment from the original.

38. Twitter is the ultimate on-the-go tool. Find an app you can tweet most comfortably with & learn the heck out of it.

39. Don’t tweet and drive. Unless you are very good at it.

40. Twitter isn’t a Monday to Friday site. It flows straight through the weekend.

41. Don't ask your followers what’s going on with a certain topic. Follow the right people & use Twitter’s search box.

42. Double-check your links to make sure they work prior to tweeting. If you do happen to screw up a tweet, don't follow up with a "Whoops, here's the correct link" tweet. Just remove the old and tweet the new.

43. Have a friend who bashes the fact that you’re on Twitter? Log them in for a week & show them how it works. In no other walk of life have people bashed something so fervently that they haven’t tried.

44. Friend didn’t adhere to Tip 43? People who don't use Twitter don't get it. They’ll mock you, but it's their loss. Keep doing your thing.

45. Want to partake in a funny movie-related trending topic? Tweet one, not ten.

46. Good follow partaking in #AnnoyingHashtag? Some Twitter apps have a temporary "Hide" or “Mute” feature. (Your secret is safe with me.)

47. Often referred to as a "Master Tweet," never, ever RT yourself.

48. When sharing a link, try to add a little flavor to it. Your followers want content from a person, not a robot.

49. Ask your followers for good accounts to follow. Twitter can suggest everyone they want to, but the best follows will come from your followers.

50. Create lists to sort your interests. It will come in handy when you want a specific group’s most recent tweets

Link to Derren Rovell

Saturday, June 4, 2011

An Introduction to the Generations

Silent Generation

Born between 1930-45, they have a traditionalist value system built on company loyalty, conformity and responsibility. The chances of them breaking the law is zero. They believe in the 'job for life' moto which is gained through their 'hard work' mentality. They must be in control and make good leaders due to their wartime upbringing. They come from an age where they are to young to be war heroes and too old to rebellious in the 60's - hence the term 'Silent Generation'.

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946-63), this generation witnessed  the Vietnam war, the assassination of JFK, the civil rights movement, all of which led them to rebel against conformity and to carve a perfectionist lifestyle based on personal values and spiritual growth. They welcome team-based work and are political in their thinking. They do not like their feathers being ruffled and are not so adaptable to change.

Generation X'ers

Born between 1964-79, this generation grew up very quickly amid rising divorce rates, one parent homes, street violence and low career expectations. They grew up with the reality of AIDS and nuclear disasters unfolding around them. Being the first generation to grow up with a TV in the living room they are more aware of global concerns. They entered the jobs market at a time of economic downturn and found it difficult to get a foothold into being gainfully employed. This has led them to be sceptical towards authority and cautious in their commitment. Being ambitious and independent they are opposite in character to the silent generation.

Generation Y'ers

Born from 1980 onwards, this confident generation are optimistic in outlook despite witnessing tragedies on a large scale such as September 11. Coming of age during a shift toward virtue and values, they're attracted to organisations whose missions speak to a purpose greater than a bottom line. They're technologically savvy with a positive, can-do attitude.

Not Another Generation: Who Is Generation Jones? - FP Posted

Not Another Generation: Who Is Generation Jones? - FP Posted: "Generation Jones is a term coined by Jonathan Pontell, a social historian, and author of the book, Generation Jones. He describes this generation as those born between 1954 and 1965. The term is better known in Europe than North America. Pontell defined Generation Jones as a distinct concept separate from Baby Boomers and Generation Xers, and having several connotations, including the notion of anonymity, and 'keeping up with the Joneses.'"

Friday, June 3, 2011

Teenagers and Cultural Identification Patterns

Culture gives society its structure. It satisfies peoples needs and determines the lifestyles that they lead. Culture also allows people to differentiate themselves. This is the reason that teenagers have ventured into different sub-cultures - that is to express their differences and to be part of their own faction with a distinct way of life and value system. Group solidarity being the chief incentive.

The urge to engage in group activity allowed teenagers to find their own individual identity.

Youth culture itself arose from young people sharing common problems in the transition to adulthood. Youth culture exists as a way of adjusting and overcoming these common concerns.  For previous generations there was distinct differences between the goals and objectives of working class and middle class youth, which led them to develop their own distinct and separate cultures. One of the determining factors behind the formation of these sub-cultures was social class.

In recent times, the movement of people, traditions and ideas has lead to a universal appreciation of different cultures. People can relate to others different cultures without the need for much interpretation. Economic globalisation has led to international integration of technology, labour and culture. Widespread deregulation in political policies followed and averse changes in the labour and economic markets has lead to the narrowing of the social pyramid.

The Generation X children were brought up with no illusions as to the hostile state of the world. They were brought up with the recession of the 70s and the environmental collapse of the 80's. Smog, AIDS, and the ozone layer became 'the' issues. This has lead today to a more refined youth; teenagers who are open-minded, media savvy and highly intelligent.

Research has shown that young people around Europe are surprisingly similar in relation to their lifestyles and interests, however much has also been written on the contrary. There is a space to open the debate and an opportunity to investigate if today's teenagers identify with homogenous cultural elements, irrespective of their social class.